최고의 Ondo 스테이킹 보상
APY가 가장 높은 ONDO을(를) 획득하세요
최고의 스테이킹 비율
$ 1.31899048
$ 4.167B
ONDO이란 무엇인가?
Ondo 가격은 $ 1.319, Ondo의 시가총액은 $ 4.167B입니다. Ondo의 총 잠금 가치(TVL)는 $ 0입니다. Ondo을 다양한 플랫폼에서 스테이킹, 적립, 구매, 판매할 수 있습니다
Platforms for Staking ONDO
1. Bitget:
• APR: Offers up to 10% APR.
• Details: Provides one of the best staking options for Ondo with flexible terms.
2. Gate.io:
• APR: Around 4.38% APR.
• Details: Another platform where you can stake ONDO tokens and earn rewards.
3. Bybit:
• Details: Participate in Bybit Launchpool to stake ONDO and earn a share of 9,000,000 ONDO tokens.
How to Stake ONDO
1. Register on the platform: Choose one of the platforms mentioned above (Bitget, Gate.io or Bybit) and create an account.
2. Deposit ONDO tokens: Transfer your ONDO tokens to the chosen platform.
3. Stake your tokens: Follow the platform-specific instructions to lock up your ONDO tokens in a staking pool.
Staking Benefits
• Rewards: Earn interest ranging from 4.38% to 10% APR, depending on the platform.
• Flexibility: Platforms like CoinUnited.io offer flexible staking with no minimum lockup periods.
• Additional Rewards: Platforms such as Bybit offer additional incentives like a share of large reward pools for staking.
By staking ONDO, you can earn passive income while contributing to the network’s security and operations. Each platform provides unique benefits, so consider your options and choose the one that best fits your investment strategy.